Classes on production hygiene, cleaning and disinfection in the dairy industry

Szacowany czas czytania: 1 min

Department of Dairy and Quality Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury

In November, our company, together with SALMON HYGIENE, visited the Department of Dairy and Quality Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury. Together, we conducted a lecture and practical classes for students of the 4 year of Dairy Technology in the field of hygiene methods in the production process in the dairy industry.


During the theoretical part, students learned about the dangers of food product contamination and about effective cleaning and disinfection processes that guarantee that dairy products will be safe. The use of tools and equipment for cleaning systems that meet the most stringent standards ensures that the most stringent production hygiene standards are met. After the theoretical classes, we conducted practical session, during which students learned the basic techniques of cleaning and disinfection, critical points, and indicated which hygiene problems they may encounter while working in the food industry.

We are glad that we were able to pass on our knowledge to future specialists in the food industry and we plan to conduct this form of cooperation in the future.

Wyświetlenia: 90

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